Waiting to receive payment for your car accident settlement can feel like forever. Between what seems like endless negotiations with the insurance company and signing your settlement release, you may still have to wait several weeks to receive a settlement check. Going through negotiations with a car insurance provider can take about three months on average. If your case goes to trial, it could take a year or more to resolve. When car accident claims are completed, insurance companies will often mail out a check within 30 days. In unique situations, it could take months for an insurance company to send your check.
Factors that may delay your payout include medical bills, subrogation liens, attorney expenses, court costs, or the insurance company requiring all parties to sign a release. Hiring a car accident lawyer is the best way to avoid these delays and get your settlement money to you as soon as possible. At Krause & Kinsman Law Firm, our exceptional personal injury attorneys will guide you through the often-complicated process of a personal injury claim so you can obtain the compensation you deserve.
Our Experts Can Assist You In Reaching a Fair Settlement
If you’ve been injured in a car accident because of another driver’s negligence, don’t settle for less. Speak with one of our exceptional and compassionate auto accident attorneys by calling our office or contacting us online today. We offer free, no-obligation consultations and are prepared to go over the details of your case with you.
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Car Accident Settlements FAQ
How can I determine the settlement value of my claim?
Speaking with an experienced auto accident attorney is the best way to determine the settlement value of your case. If you’ve been involved in a minor car accident, you may only need the bill for an ER visit to obtain compensation for your claim. If significant injuries or fatalities result from the accident, hiring a lawyer to examine your case is the right option.
What factors can help my car accident case settle faster?
Hiring an attorney and presenting strong evidence that proves another party is liable for your injuries are the best ways to settle your case as soon as possible.
How will I receive my car accident settlement?
Settlement payments are made in one of two ways; lump-sum payments are paid within 30 days from the date that the settlement is agreed upon. If the liable driver agrees to make periodic payments, you will receive your compensation monthly or semi-monthly until the total amount is paid off.