For a Kansas City car accident attorney, the attorney-client relationship is built on trust. Our client should be able to trust we are zealously advocating on their behalf against the insurance company. In turn, we should be able to trust that our clients are seeking treatment and not doing anything to harm their case. At the outset of the attorney-client relationship, we set goals for our clients. Our number one goal for our clients is ALWAYS for them to improve physically, emotionally, and financially. This goal can only be realized if we work together as a team.
Our clients’ responsibility is to seek medical treatment for their injuries and the emotional stress their car accident caused them. My job, as a Kansas City car accident attorney, is to collect all of the relevant information in regards to your car accident. Most importantly, I am your voice when others (insurance companies) do not want to listen. When tragedy happens you want an experienced Kansas City car accident attorney who will navigate you through the stressful world of making a claim with an insurance company. Insurance companies will keep you from receiving the compensation you deserve if you do not have an attorney who will do everything necessary to hold them accountable.
We understand that dealing with a life changing injury causes an emotional and physical toll on you and your family. We are here to provide you the support you need. Here are 6 ways your Kansas City car accident attorney can help:
1. Partnership
Our relationship is built on “WE.” A partnership is formed when you become our client. We are a team. We will fight your case together. Our attorneys are here to answer your questions throughout the life of your case or claim. We guide you through the complicated process of taking your claim the distance. Our focus is to help you overcome all of the obstacles in your case.
[Winning a Case Together: Trial Preparation is All About the Client]
2. Records Retrieval
Since you need to focus on getting better physically and emotionally, we want to take all of the other stress off of your shoulders. You should not have to be answering phone calls and questions in regards to your accident. You should not have to constantly fight with the responsible insurance company in order for your voice to be heard. This only causes extra stress, which will not allow you to recover. You should also not have to track down all of your medical records and bills, or the accident report and witness statements. Leave that up to your Kansas City car accident attorney. Not only is this process stressful, it is time-consuming and can be very expensive.
3. Negotiator
When it comes time to collecting the compensation you deserve for your injuries you want an experienced attorney who understands the insurance company’s tactics. The back-and-forth bargaining is very stressful on someone who has suffered through the physical and emotional toll of being in an accident. Insurance companies do not take you seriously if you do not know the game they play. Unfortunately, that is the cold-hearted truth. Our attorneys recognize the bottom line you should receive for your pain and suffering. We will hold the insurance company accountable to seek compensation well above your bottom line.
4. Insurance Investigator
There are many instances where our attorneys have to get creative to find the compensation you deserve. Our clients have been involved in hit-and-run accidents, accidents where the other driver does not have insurance, and accidents where the other driver does not have enough insurance. In all of these circumstances, our clients are initially left without the avenue to seek the compensation they deserve for their injuries. When you are left without the proper avenue we can help. We make it our responsibility to find other accountable insurance.
5. Accident Investigator
Oftentimes, the responsible insurance company will try to blame at least part of the accident on you, even if their driver was 100% at fault. They can sometimes get away with this because all they rely on are reports and statements written by someone who was not involved in the accident. Our attorneys go to the scene of the accident. We investigate how your accident happened by talking with witnesses. We make the scene of the accident more visual and imaginable so the insurance company better understands the facts surrounding your accident. Most importantly, we make sure the insurance company knows who, or what, is truly at fault for the car accident.
[What To Do After Being Injured In A Kansas City Car Accident]
6. Financial Help
Car accident injury claims can be very expensive to submit. Costs continue to accrue throughout the life of the case. As mentioned, medical records and bills are expensive to retrieve. Expert witnesses cost thousands of dollars. Depending on how your accident occurred, the cost of the investigation can get very high. If you are injured in an accident, your Kansas City car accident attorney will finance your case from the beginning. We do all of our cases on a contingency basis, meaning our clients owe no attorney’s fees and will not be required to pay any costs until compensation is obtained on your behalf.
Call our offices today at (816) 200-2900 to join our team.