Emergencies can happen at any time, and many of us will face some sort of emergency, like a car accident or vehicle breakdown, during our lives. It is important to be prepared for any possible sort of emergency. One key step to help prevent a crisis while in your vehicle is to always keep an emergency kit on hand. Storing your emergency kit in the trunk of your car will keep it near by without being in the way of your day-to-day car uses.
One of the best tools for emergency preparedness in your vehicle is far and away clean water. Clean drinking water is an important tool in almost any auto related emergency. By taking the step to pack an extra gallon of distilled clean drinking water in the trunk of your car, you are setting yourself up to avoid many potentially dangerous situations.
Clean drinking water is useful for all sorts of potential situations. If your car were to unexpectedly break down, keeping clean drinking water on hand allows you to remain hydrated until help can be called and arrives at your aid.
Remedying Overheating
If your car begins to overheat on a hot summer day, having extra clean drinking water available can help cool the car down. Adding clean water to the radiator can help cool the car in an emergency.
Clean water is also helpful to keep in your car as added weight. Having additional weight in your car can help you gain better traction in icy winter conditions.
If your car runs out of window washer fluid, having clean water available can assist in clearing your windshield of debris and dirt. Without a clean windshield, safe driving is incredibly difficult and dangerous. It is important to keep a clear and clean windshield while driving.
Clean water can be incredibly important in case of an emergency involving injuries as well. Clean water is essential in caring for wounds, illness, or dehydration. Keeping clean drinking water on hand is essential for common roadside emergencies.
Keeping You Well Hydrated
Arguably the most important reason to keep drinking water in your car is in case of an emergency where you may be stranded for some time. The old ‘rule of threes’ is helpful in this example. It is said that a human being can survive about three minutes without oxygen, three days without water, and three weeks without food. Three days is not a very long time if you are stranded in a far away place without water. Keeping a small emergency supply of clean drinking water in your vehicle can mean the difference of life and death in an emergency. If your car breaks down in a remote area without any way to get help, that water may save your life.
Clean drinking water is a valuable emergency preparedness tool. Keeping clean drinking water with you in your car will provide a multitude of uses and will help during many emergency scenarios.
Contact an Attorney if You Are in a Car Accident
If you have been in an accident, water is critical for many things. But if you have been in an accident, another critical thing that you need to do is to contact the contact the Krause & Kinsman Law Firm for a free case consultation about how you can recover compensation for your injuries and damages.