Few things on a vehicle are more important than brakes, and brake problems may play a role in the occurrence of many accidents. Maybe someone did not apply the brake fast enough, or hard enough. Maybe the brakes failed altogether. When the brakes do not do their job and an accident occurs, the attorney at the Krause & Kinsman Law Firm are here to help.
Brakes are one of the most important things on a car. Without them, there is no way to stop. Cars arguably, for safety anyway, need to stop more than they need to go. If there was a perfect braking system, one that allowed the car to stop moving on a dime, accidents maybe would not stop altogether, but would arguably be drastically reduced.
So what can be done to make sure brakes are strong and properly working? The easiest thing to do is make sure you take your car to the mechanic regularly. A reputable auto mechanic is the best way to make sure your brakes are operating at their maximum ability.
Beyond that however, there are a few things to watch out for in order to make sure your vehicle’s brakes are not overly worn down. When behind the wheel, pay attention to how the brakes operate. If you have a baseline for how the brakes feel when they are working properly, then it is all that much easier to tell when they are not functioning properly. By carefully paying attention to how the brakes feel and function on a regular basis, you can get a very good feel for when something is wrong with the brakes. Or when they are simply wearing out.
Assuming you know how the brakes feel on a normal day, several things can tip you off that the brakes are not working properly. If the brakes shudder when you press the brake pedal, that is a sign they need checked. If the brakes squeak or make any distinguishing noises when used, that is also a clear sign that they need checked.
Common Brake Problems
Squeaking brakes can be tricky. There are times when brakes make strange noises, but everything is perfectly fine. Moisture or oddly worn brake pads can sometimes cause noises without severe consequences. But even if you think this is the case, it is always best to have the car checked out by a mechanic. Brakes are not something to leave to chance.
While there are many things that can go wrong with brakes, the most common issue is that they simply wear out. Over time brakes will wear out the pads and calipers and need to be replaced. Brake wear can be inspected by a mechanic but again, is also something that can be felt through the pedals. If when pressing the brake pedal, the car doesn’t slow as fast as it used to, it may be time for new brake pads. Pads are the first things to wear out. Calipers also wear out over time but often take much longer to do so. If the brakes aren’t working as well as they used to, be sure to have the car checked out to avoid any dangerous situations.
What to Do When Faulty Brakes Contribute to Your Car Accident
Sometimes, faulty brakes contribute to the occurrence of the car accident. If your car accident would not have happened but for defective brakes, you need to turn to the attorneys at the Krause & Kinsman Law Firm. We can help you to get to the bottom of what happened, and file your claim for damages. Contact our experienced Kansas City car accident lawyers now!