With today’s modern vehicles and all of their bells and whistles, it can be hard to remember that driving is a dangerous activity. In 2014, Missouri saw 756 deaths from auto accidents. In 2013 Missouri had 757. This shows that not only do many people die every year from auto accidents, but that the numbers do not change all that much.
Surely it is safer to drive on the roads today than it was years in the past. Upgrades in vehicle safety and medical response have both helped lower the death toll. Additionally, better roads, guardrails, and signs have also helped keep people safe on the roads. But any way you look at it, driving is still a hazardous and risky activity.
The statistics are readily available, but it has long been said that driving a car is one of the most dangerous things people do, and we do it all the time. And since we do it all the time, it is easy to forget how dangerous it can actually be.
Not only do cars hit other cars, but they hit object and people. Pedestrians are often hit and severely injured by vehicles on the road. But beyond that, cars do hit other cars, and those accidents can be devastating.
New Car Safety
With all the talk about car safety, and the fact that many new cars are practically movie theaters on wheels, with all their gadgetry, it is easy to forget how dangerous it can be on the road.
Periodically reminding yourself that it is dangerous out there can be a great help to driving safely. Remembering that you are behind the wheel of a several thousand-pound machine that can move up to 100 miles per hour can be a useful exercise.
By taking a moment to think about how dangerous driving can be, it can make you a better driver. By thinking about the seriousness of accidents and how they occur, you can take stock of what to avoid while driving and how to drive correctly. If nothing else, it can make the event of an accident less startling.
Cars are like a weapon in that they can be dangerous if not used correctly. But on the other hand, by respecting the power of these modern vehicles, one can become a better driver, and at the same time, help avoid accidents.
Contact a Kansas City Car Accident Attorney After a Crash
In the unfortunate event that you have been in an accident, it can be a real shock. It is hard to know what to do or who to turn to. If you need help, contact the offices of the Krause & Kinsman Law Firm for a free case consultation about your options moving forward and recovering compensation.