Imagine that you are driving along Ward Parkway looking at the beautiful Plaza lights when a careless driver runs a stop sign and slams into the side of your car. You are unfortunately injured from the impact and taken to the hospital. You have injuries that are not going to heal without surgery, and will require ongoing therapy and rehabilitation. The cost of all of this will be more than $75,000. Your insurance will pay for your car damage, but will not pay for your injuries. The other driver’s insurance has offered to pay you $6,000 dollars. Is that fair? They were at fault and they were the ones that caused your $75,000 in medical bills. These are the actual facts from a case that I am currently working on (disclaimer: I had permission from my client to share these set of facts).
We work on a contingent fee agreement. From the first moment you walk into my office we will start funding your case. As for the case above, we will likely have to front more than $5,000 dollars in order to properly work up this case case. The expenses include:
- Medical Bills: ~$350
- Private Investigators/Private Process Server: ~$200
- Police Report: ~$70
- Expert Witness: ~$3000-5000
- Filing Fee: ~$75
- Depositions: ~$1,500
- Trial Exhibits: ~$400
We advance these costs and then take a fee if we resolve your case successfully. The reason that we can often get you more money than if you would work on your case is that we do this on a daily basis. We know which experts to hire, how to properly present evidence to a claims adjuster or a jury, how to write demand letters, and know whom and how to depose. We know how to work up your case. Also, getting a lawyer involved often demonstrates that you are more serious about your claim to an adjuster and they will respond accordingly.
Do You Take All Cases?
We turned down a client last week who was in a car accident. We told her exactly how to pursue her claim on her own because she didn’t need our help. There are times when the person is not injured and thee only damage is to the vehicle—usually, these cases don’t require a lawyer. These cases simply require knowing who to call and what to say. We will help you through that process free of charge.
Call us if you have been in a car accident and we will let you know if we can help you. Remember, you will not pay a dime unless we are successful with your case.
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