One of the first questions after any car accident is who caused the wreck. In many cases, determining fault and establishing liability are simple thanks to on-scene evidence, traffic camera footage, and accident reconstruction experts. However, fault in side-impact accidents also referred to as T-bone or broadside collisions can be trickier to determine because they usually take place in intersections or parking lots. Here are a few common accident scenarios; you can discuss your situation with a Kansas City car accident lawyer to understand the potential liability implications for your case.
Common Side-Impact Accidents
Even though side-impact car accidents can happen in almost an unlimited number of scenarios, some situations occur more commonly than others. It’s not unusual to see side-impact accidents resulting from:
- A driver running a stop sign or red light at an intersection
- Texting while driving or other distractions
- Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Failing to yield at an intersection, and
- Failing to yield to a vehicle approaching in a lane when making a right turn into traffic.
Establishing Fault
Most side-impact crashes come from failing to properly yield when another vehicle has the right of way. This means in most two-vehicle accidents, the driver whose car T-bones the other vehicle is at fault. Failing to yield the right of way can happen in any scenario listed and cause an accident, injuries, and even death. Speed may also fact into not only the severity of the wreck but a driver’s inability to avoid a side-impact collision when they are in an intersection. An experienced Kansas City car accident lawyer can review your accident, discuss your options, and answer your questions about who is at fault.
Talk to a Kansas City, MO Car Accident Attorney
If you or a loved one were hurt in a side-impact car accident, the skilled Kansas City Car Accident Attorneys at Krause & Kinsman help you protect your rights and fight for maximum compensation for the injuries you suffered in an avoidable accident. Call us today at (816) 307-2352 or use our online contact page to schedule your free consultation. We are here to answer your questions and work tirelessly to put your life back on track.