Maybe you have read our prior posts about how big of a pain it is to deal with insurance companies. You pay insurance premiums every month with your hard-earned money. In return, your dealings with them should be stress-free, especially if you have been injured in a car accident. However, this is not always the case because insurance companies care about their bottom dollar first. They will low-ball you immediately. Although this is an unfortunate circumstance, it is reality.
You’ll want to be prepared in order to be in the best position possible when you first call your insurance company. Here is a list of 5 things you should do before calling your insurance company to make a claim:
1. Wait until you are calm and composed
You will probably be asking yourself a lot of questions after an accident: How did this happen? How long will it take for me to get better? How will I pay for all of my medical treatment? This can cause unwanted stress. Once you call your insurance company, they will want to know lots of details surrounding your accident. They may also likely be asking you questions that are designed for you to admit fault, even if you were not at fault at all. Your mind is going need to be clear when you make your personal injury claim. You do not want to be argumentative or easily agitated. You want to be under control in order to maximize the potential compensation you may receive after being injured.
2. Gather all the evidence you can
Before you make a claim, you will want to have documentation showing how the car accident occurred and who any potential witnesses might be. You will also want to have your medical records and bills easily accessible. Obtaining these documents will get you prepared to make your claim. The records will give your insurance the opportunity to objectively review your claim. Having the documents can also back up any statements you make to the insurance company. If the insurance company has documents showing you were not at fault and you have hundreds or thousands of dollars in medical bills you will be in the best position to receive compensation for your injuries.
3. Seek medical treatment
Although the medical bills will be accumulating, you need to seek treatment to better yourself physical and emotionally. Remember our number one goal from our prior posts: you want to better yourself physically, emotionally, and financially. The only way to do those three things is to seek medical treatment. Seek treatment immediately after you are injured. This will help to show the insurance company that you are serious about getting better. Once you seek the treatment do not stop going. Continue to follow the doctor’s orders and recommendations. This will go a long way in obtaining the appropriate and maximum compensation for your injuries.
4. Keep all medical records and bills
Along with the police report and witness statements, your medical records and bills will be the most important documents you will need before making your claim with the insurance company. The records will show that you were injured, needed and sought medical treatment, and were burdened with medical bills for it. Insurance companies always assess your medical bills and records in order to evaluate how much compensation you will receive for the injuries and trauma you sustained from being involved in a car accident. It is imperative that you keep these records throughout your treatment. A car accident attorney will walk you through this process and order your records for you to help build your claim
[How To Order Medical Records]
5. Contact an attorney if you have been injured
An insurance company will be immediately put on guard if you have been injured in an accident. They will be formulating a way to pay you less than what you deserve. They will be trying to protect their bottom dollar. You need someone who is going to fight for you from the very beginning until you receive a check from the insurance company. An experienced car accident attorney will know the ins-and-outs of fighting against an insurance company and will know their tricks. An attorney will also, and most importantly, know how the insurance company values your case, which will help maximize the compensation you will receive.