Accidents happen to everyone, but we all try our best to avoid getting into auto accidents in Kansas City. Auto accidents can be caused by a variety of factors, but driver distraction is at the top of the list. In the 21st century we have a lot of things that distract us while behind the wheel.
New technology has changed the car from just a mode of transportation, to a portable office, playroom, snack bar, and more. These changes have caused drivers to forget the number one reason for getting in the driver’s seat: to drive. And because of this drivers are more likely to be distracted by a variety of things. Reminding drivers that the main purpose of their car is as a mode of transportation will help to regain their focus on safety instead of potential distractions. It is important to always be aware of such distractions and limit them as much as possible while on the road.
Music, phone calls, text messaging, and navigation systems all are major distractions in the car. Remembering that your best-spent attention is keeping your eyes on the road will save you from potential accidents in the future.
Teaching young drivers that text messaging and phone calls can wait while behind the wheel will instill safe driving values and allow for mature skilled drivers to be out on the roads. If your hands are on your phone instead of on the wheel it will be impossible to steer properly. As well, without proper hand positioning on the steering wheel a driver cannot react in adequate time to avoid potential accidents. Hands on the wheel and eyes on the road set a driver up for safety.
Navigation Tools Can Be Distracting
Navigation systems may seem like an important tool while driving to a new destination, but be cautious of this as a potential distractor. If finding your way to a new place it is most likely that you will not be familiar with the roads and traffic patterns of the area. It is very important to stay alert and pay attention while driving to new places. As well, be sure to always set up any navigation tools before leaving for your destination. If you need to check your progress or adjust your route, pull over to a safe parking space beforehand to avoid a potentially dangerous distraction.
Driver distraction is not only a 21st century problem. One of the oldest distractions on record comes from the passenger seat. Driving with passengers can be a major distraction. Friends, family, coworkers, and small children can all distract drivers while behind the wheel. Safe drivers will recognize the hazards of driving with passengers and are able to keep focused on the road. Setting rules for the car with small children is key to maintaining a safe car ride. When the driver feels sure that their passengers can ride with safety in mind, the driver can keep focused on driving and not on the potential distractions coming from the back seat.
Contact an Experienced Car Accident Attorney Today
If you have been in an accident caused by a distracted driver, contact the Krause & Kinsman Law Firm for help. Our attorneys will help you to prove that the distracted driver acted negligently, and will advocate for you to recover your full benefit amount.